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Biopolynov brochure

r&d, bioplastic, development,


Main informations about Biopolynov in english.

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Bioplastics R & D
Research and Development
Your customized bioplastic solution

Bioplastics R & D
Your custom bio plastic solution
Our Goal
Biopolynov is a research
and development center
created by Natureplast,
dedicated to modification and improvement
of bioplastics properties. Our R & D services
aim to both converters (large or small
groups) and customers (packaging, consumer
products, transportation, construction...) or
bioplastics producers wishing to upgrade
their products / packaging / resins towards
more environmentally friendly materials.
Evolution / bioplastics properties
Bioplastics appeared commercially less than fifteen years ago compared to plastics
from oils that have largely been developed over the last sixty years.
These new materials are changing quickly, but there is still a gap between bioplas-
tics properties compared to conventional materials.
This difference will be filled through the development of bioplastics in order to
meet technical specifications (high mechanical properties, barrier, thermal, chemi-
cal, durability...).
Your custom bio plastic solution
The natural evolution of plastic
Our Services
In addition to these services, Biopolynov team may assist
you in all stages of your development (partners search,
drafting the specification, certification...).
of materials tailored
to meet your specifications
of bioplastics
production of compounds
Our goal,
developing with you
and for you, innovative
materials in response
to your technical issues
and markets.
Our Added value
BIOPOLYNOV beneficiates of NATUREPLAST accumulated experience:
• Formulation knowhow: a team of Engineers and Doctors with many years of experience in changing bioplastics
• Knowledge and access to different raw materials and additives: a large portfolio including several hundreds of
• French and European network of research partners (technical centers, universities. .) and industries (suppliers,
compounders, converters...).
Your customized bioplastic solution
Our Resources
End of life
Processing equipments:
(compost …)
• An injection molding machine, 100T capacity.
• A twin-screw corotative extruder, L / D 50
Ve g e t a l
re s o u rc e s
• A grinder
p ro d u c t i o n /
b i o m a s s
• A desiccator
• Ovens
Characterization equipments:
• Density (ISO 1183)
Bioplastics R & D
• HDT / Vicat (ISO 75 / 306)
• Tensile / Flexural / Compression strength (ISO 527 / 178 / 604)
• Charpy impact strength : notched / unnotched (ISO 179)
• Melt: MFI / MVI (ISO 1133)
In addition to these facilities, Biopolynov has a wide network of Europeans
technical partners (private and public R & D centers), allowing us to have
access to others equipments needed to validate our R & D.
Bioplastics R & D
L'évolution naturel e du plastique


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Ecomobilité Partenaires, Veolia, Legrand, Alstom Grid, HP, Siemens, EDF, Accenture, Aprolis, Gaz Electricité de Grenoble, Rhodia, IFP, Evasol, Soitec, Eolas...

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  • Aix en provence
  • le 01/02/2025 20:14

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