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crédits carbone, cdm,


Découvrez les fonctionnalités d’eCO2data et des témoignages de clients qui nous ont fait confiance.

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Find the essential information you need

about projects, partners and competitors.

is the industry’s first real-time
Follow registration and issuance
carbon projects database. Robust
pipeline activity, project performance and
an alytical capabilities and
portfolios - in real-time.
exhaustive content are combined to

ing transparency and traceability
to the growing carbon market
Forecast your portfolio’s next key

events and value your assets.

What is eCO2data?
eCO 2data is a web-based carbon information platform
based on critical public and private sources aggregated in
real time. More than a database, eCO2data offers unique
analytical tools to keep you informed about what is going

on with your projects, portfolios and competitors.

Why should you use it?

Simply, eCO2data will help you make better business

decisions through better information regardless of how you
are i nvolved in the carbon market. Since our information is
compiled from a dozen reputable sources, we offer

information that is unavailable in other tools and feature
unique tools that make the platform’s breadth and depth
second to none. Because information is provided in real-
time, there is no knowledge lag meaning your decisions

With more exciting features on the way, call, email or
speak to any of our staff directly to learn more or have a
brief presentation about the product.
For whom is it?
eCO2data is dedicated to all carbon professionals in the
compliance and voluntary markets and will best suit project
consultants, DOEs, DNAs, fund managers, brokers and

The largest database ever assembled

in the carbon market.

We cover CDM, Prior CDM, JI Track 2 and VCS :

28 technologies
18,000+ projects
50,000+ pipeline events
245 host countries
9,000+ participants
800,000,000+ credits
163 methodologies

Credit Buy
edit Buyers

Find the best business partners by understanding
Find new projects and counterparties
key metrics

Find unilateral projects with our advanced search
Maintain your current portfolio by following your
investment’s technical aspects

Value your carbon portfolio
Accurately predicts who will receive how many

credits and when
“Monitoring our portfolio has never been
easier, and the added value from superior
“Our investment has paid for itself many times
technical measurements helps us keep track of
over thanks to the number of new
success and opportunities”
opportunities we’ve found in eCO2data”
Project Manager - Norman Thoms
Global Manager CDM & JI - Luca Bertali

3rd Parties / Academics

Third Parties

Find projects without ERPAs in place.
Enhance business activity by reaching a diverse

range of carbon organizations
Benefit from our growing database of early stage

Leverage the largest quantitative database ever

Source early stage projects.

Full carbon asset context and history
“An outstanding tool…Well-sourced real-time

project data allow us to have a detailed and
“eCO2data brings innovative metrics, analysis
comprehensive overview of the market or of
and visualization models which add value to our
specific portfolios”
own information”
Business Development - Alexis Manuel
Director of Business Development - Claire Dufour


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Ecomobilité Partenaires, Veolia, Legrand, Alstom Grid, HP, Siemens, EDF, Accenture, Aprolis, Gaz Electricité de Grenoble, Rhodia, IFP, Evasol, Soitec, Eolas...

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Vos futurs clients sont ici
  • biomasse
  • Aix en provence
  • le 01/02/2025 20:14

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