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Levée de fonds - 2012


Annonce officielle de la levée de fonds opérée en Mai 2012 pour un montant de 2.2M€ auprès de nos investisseurs historiques

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SP3H announces having raised 2.2 million euros

Aix-en-Provence and Paris, 22nd May 2012 - SP3H, a Young Innovative Enterprise (YIE) and the fuel
profiling1 leader, announces that it raised 2.2 million euros in May 2012. Truffle Capital (long-standing
institutional investor) and existing private investors subscribed to this funding round.
To recap, SP3H has developed a miniaturised optical sensor, known as a Fuel Quality Sensor capable of
measuring fuel quality and reducing CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, whilst
improving engine reliability and performance.
"We are very honoured that Truffle Capital and our investors have renewed their trust in us. This funding
round will enable us to continue implementing our strategy and roll out our development plan between now
and the end of 2014, i.e. the date scheduled for mass production of the industrial systems", states Alain
Lunati, SP3H's founder and Chairman. "Over the past 2 years, we have respected the timetable set by our
vehicle and equipment manufacturer partners, therefore successfully validating several key milestones and
technical components of our proprietary approach".
"We are delighted to be able to continue supporting SP3H and help finance the development work on their
revolutionary sensor that measures fuel quality and thereby contributes to protecting the environment",
comments Jean-François Fourt, the joint founder of Truffle Capital in charge of its energy portfolio.
Previous equity funding rounds completed by the company since 2005 :

€1.5m between 2007 and 2009 via private investors.
€2.5m in January 2010 with Truffle Capital.

About SP3H:

SP3H was founded in August 2005 by Alain Lunati. With more than 20 years of experience in the refining
field, the SP3H team has developed a near infrared based sensor capable of measuring fuel quality and
reducing CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, while improving engine reliability and

The company comprises 11 people and the core of the team notably includes specialists in fuel chemistry,
optical engineering and engine optimisation. SP3H has been awarded Innovative Mutual Fund eligible
status by the French innovative SME funding organisation OSEO, enjoys Young Innovative Enterprise (YIE)
status and has benefited from Research Tax Credits (RTC) since its incorporation with over 80% of its
corporate expenditure going on R&D. In January 2010, the company obtained a €2.5 million equity
investment from its institutional investor, Truffle Capital.

Since 2005, SP3H is based in Aix-en-Provence in southern France, in the "Arbois-Méditerranée" Technology
Park (Technopôle) dedicated to sustainable development.

The company was already awarded at several occasions, especially in December 2011 with Engineering
Prize of the Year (prix des ingénieurs de l’année) for sustainable development run by the French
Engineering and Science Society (IESF), the publications “l’Usine Nouvelle”and “Industrie & Technologies”.

1 Molecular structure identification



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